Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Fridge

We got a new fridge. I don't know why someone would pay over $3,000 for this fridge, but I don't think it was a bad deal at $774. It was at the Sears outlet center where the rest of these fridges go for $1,850. There was nothing wrong with this one, so I assume they left off a 1 at the beginning. The people who were selling it to us were congratulating us and giving us high fives. I didn't know how awesome the fridge was until we got it home.

That is Jarrod playing in the background of the video below... the fridge isn't cool enough to play tuba too. It does have a funny skating polar bear though :-)

This fridge will remind you about your anniversary
This fridge will give you the weather forecast for any city, as well as give you the current temperature outside and inside.
This is my favorite part. RECIPES!!! Although, they are pretty fancy recipes... I guess people who pay $3,000 for fridges need fancy recipes.

Pictures of every recipe

It has a USB port to upload pictures. Who doesn't want a photo album on their fridge?

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