Monday, December 8, 2008

last day to be pregnant!

We will be going in tomorrow 5:30am for a C-section scheduled at 7:30. Whoa!

Tomorrow, I won't be pregnant anymore!!!
Tomorrow, I will meet my SON!

Will I miss being pregnant? If you would have asked me that 4 weeks ago, I would have said YES without hesitation. I have really enjoyed being pregnant, and have been SO fortunate to have such an easy pregnancy. But, as of today - am I going to miss being pregnant? NO! I am very disappointed that I am going to have a few weeks of pain and recovery after the baby is born... I was so looking forward to being able to flip over easily in bed, and not be so careful about how I move.

Here's me after my first Doctors appointment 10 weeks pregnant:

Here's big fat giant me after my last Drs appointment today. My last day of pregnancy

Me and Jarrod after our first Dr. Appointment holding up our sonogram pictures :-)

Me and Jarrod today, with our large baby :-)

Here are a few things that really helped make my pregnancy more comfortable / enjoyable:

1. My wonderful Adidas flip flops which I have in almost every color. I wore these all the way up until it got too cold just a few weeks ago. I wore them no matter how dressed up I was. I even wore them to the weddings I went to. Oh, what I would I have done without my Addidas flip flops?

2. MILK!!! I have always loved milk, but pregnancy made me crave milk more than ever. We always had to have two gallons of milk in the fridge at all times. I easily went though one gallon in a 24 hour period, but tried not to most of the time. Mostly, it took about two days to finish a gallon

3. BATHS!!! I took a bath probably 5 times a week. There were even days when I took two baths a day!

4. JARROD!! He was the best, and made my pregnancy much more comfortable and enjoyable. Thanks, babe.

We are bringing the lap top, and I'm showing Jarrod how to blog, so that he can update everyone as soon as possible tomorrow. Any prayers sent our way would be appreciated. Here is what I am in need of prayer for:

1. Calm nerves tonight, and a good nights sleep

2. Calm nerves tomorrow when the Doctor tries to put a needle in my spine!!

3. Calm nerves during the procedure

4. A healthy baby boy with strong lungs and heart and other vital organs

5. SANE grandmothers!! :-) Wait, this one is impossible.


April Pier said...

The needle in the back is not that big of a deal. Trust me!! I hate needles more than anyone I know and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

The grandmothers at Michael's birth, including your mother, were calm. At least they didn't show me anything but calm.

Carissa said...

Well congratulations! The day has finally come. My Mom says she will be praying for you, as will I. How exciting.... I'm sure you have a MILLON thoughts going thru your head. I don't have any advice on a c-section but I'm sure your hubby will make sure you are well taken care of, he's pretty good at that. Give Levi a kiss from me, could you please email me where you are going to be delivering - stinson5plumbin (at) -- also I need your phone number again. ******HUGS*****

Anonymous said...

You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. All my friends at school are thinking about you too! You will do great tomorrow.


GloryandGrace said...

Yay for having the laptop with you tomorrow!! Now, we'll just have to see if I get any work done tomorrow :)

I love you, and I do hope you have a restful night's sleep! Tomorrow's IT - you get to meet Levi and be his mommy!!!!

jennypen said...

Only one more hour! I hope all is going smoothly. I can't wait for you to meet your son!

Anonymous said...

By the time I checked in this morning, I'm betting you've got a brand new baby boy! It's so exciting.

It will be interesting to see whether or not you miss pregnancy. I had grown so used to April squirming inside of me that I did miss her once she was on the outside. Even though I had her in my arms, my innards missed their baby. It's weird. But, then...pregnancy is kinda weird, anyway. Wonderful, but totally weird.

Many hugs and well wishes!


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