Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cure for writers block: a year in review

I have had such a hard time blogging lately. I have about ten posts that I've started, but never finished. I think it's because there is just TOO many thoughts / emotions to get all out. So, to get me back into posting, I thought I would do a year in review.

2008 was probably the most life changing year I will ever have. Not only did we find out we were having a baby, we actually had the baby. With learning that we were expecting came other huge life changes. These changes came more emotionally and spiritually, rather than physically... but were significant enough that I feel like Jarrod and I changed as people more in 2008 than in our entire adult lives.

We had owned our third "flip" house for 2 weeks, and progress was going well.

We completed our house and moved most of the way in. We kept our large office furniture and washer and dryer at our apartment. We were hoping to sell the house before our lease was up and move back into our apartment until we found our next house. It looked like that plan was going to work, because we also got our first contract in February. Three contracts later, we actually sold the house (didn't actually end up closing until May).

In March, I got pregnant, and turned 26.

In April I found out I was pregnant and the lease on our apartment was up (yes, we overlapped our apartment and house for that long!) We moved the rest of our stuff (including the Christmas tree that was still up at our apartment) into the house.

we sold our house, and moved into yet another apartment. This apartment was meant to be very temporary while we looked for a house to buy as our permanent home. I had my first prenatal appointment on the 20th and learned we were 10 weeks along, and we got the first glimpse of our little guy.

we went on our last vacation as just the two of us to Galveston. During this trip, we spent some time in the emergency room thinking that we were losing our baby. We were thrilled when we got to see him wiggling around on the screen after waiting for 5 hours to see if he was still alive. Phoebe also got her girly parts removed this month.

In July, we found out we were having a BOY! I also became an Aunt for the first time! Little Michael James Brad Pier was born on July 22nd, four weeks early.

Our house hunt was not going well, and we learned that we would have to put way too much money down on a house to make it a viable option at this point, so we were looking into a more permanent apartment. We decided on the name Levi, and I finished his baby blanket.

We moved into our current apartment (if you're keeping track, that's four moves this year!!)

We started to put the nursery together, and I started to get REALLY fat

I had my first baby shower! and was counting down the days to Levi's arrival. the 20th was Jarrod and I's fourth wedding anniversary

Got to meet my son on December 9th.

1 comment:

April Pier said...

2008 was a wonderful year or the Piers. 2 healthy baby boys and Robby getting that awesome letter. We can all only hope 2009 is just as great!!

Give Levi kisses fom Aunt Ape!!


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